Shopify Forwarded Filter Commands

This set of commands allows you to use keywords to filter the notifications you receive for specific Shopify sites to different channels. All available commands can be viewed using: !m help shopify

Adding a forwarded Shopify filter

Use this command to add the keywords you would like to use to filter the new items and restock notifications you receive and forward them to another channel. To add a forwarded Shopify filter you need to use the shopify forwardfilter add command. This command requires the base URL of the Shopify store you would like to add a filter for, at least one positive or negative keyword and a mention of the channel you would like to forward the filtered items to. Example:

!m shopify forwardfilter add +pokemon -booster #channel

Now for any new items from Zulusgames to be notified, the title of the item will need to contain the word pokemon and it cannot contain the word booster.

Removing a forwarded Shopify filter

Use this command to remove a filter. To remove a forwarded Shopify filter you need to use the shopify forwardfilter remove command. This command requires the base URL of the Shopify store that you would like to remove the forwarded filter for and the ID of the forwarded filter that you would like to remove. Example:

!m shopify forwardfilter remove 1

View added forwarded Shopify filters

You can view a list of all the forwarded Shopify filters you have set for a certain Shopify store using the shopify forwardedfilters running command. This command only requires the base URL of the Shopify store that you would like to view your added forwarded filters for. Example:

!m shopify forwardfilter running

Last updated