Forwarding Commands

This set of commands allows you to forward restock notifications for specific items to specific channels. All available commands can be viewed using: !m help forward

Adding a forwarding rule

Use this command to forward all notifications for a specified item to the mentioned channel. To add a forwarding rule you need to use the forward add command. This command requires the name of the store, the SKU of the item you would like to forward and the channel you would like to forward the notifications to. Example:

!m forward add amazon B08KWN2LZG #gpu

In this example we are forwarding all restock notifications for the item with SKU B08KWN2LZG from Amazon to the #gpuchannel.

Shopify items can also be forwarded on a per site basis. For more information visit Shopify Channel Commands

You can forward items you early monitor by adding `early` to the store name. Example: !m forward add targetearly 85978612 #target-early

Adding a forwarding rule for multiple items at once

To add a forwarding rule for multiple items at once you need to use the forward add command. This command requires the name of the store, the SKUs of the items you would like to forward and the channel you would like to forward the notifications to. Example:

!m forward add amazon B08KWN2LZG B0BJFRT43X #gpu

Removing a forwarding rule

Use this command to remove a forwarding rule you have previously added. To remove a forwarding rule you need to use the forward remove command. This command requires the name of the store, the SKU of the item and the the channel you would like to remove the forwarding rule for. Example:

!m forward remove amazon B08KWN2LZG #gpu

Removing a forwarding rule for multiple items at once

To remove a forwarding rule for multiple items at once you need to use the forward remove command. This command requires the name of the store, the SKUs of the items and the channel you would like to remove the forwarding rules for. Example:

!m forward remove amazon B08KWN2LZG B0BJFRT43X #gpu

View added forwarding rules

You can view a list of all the forwarding rules you have added for each store using the forward running command. This command only requires the name of the store. Example:

!m forward running amazon

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