Example Deal Scraper Setup

Below I will be showing an example setup for one of our deals scraper. For this example we will be using a 3 Discord channel layout where each channel is used for specific discount ranges.

We will first need to add access for the deals scraper we wish to setup, in this example we will be using Amazon.

!m access add amazondeals scraper #amazon-0-50

This command will tell the Amazon deals scraper where to send all of the items it finds.

Next we can start adding all the discount ranges. At this point all of items for the discount rages that we have added will be going to the access channel we have used above.

!m scraper add amazondeals "0-9"
!m scraper add amazondeals "10-19"
!m scraper add amazondeals "20-29"
!m scraper add amazondeals "30-39"
!m scraper add amazondeals "40-49"
!m scraper add amazondeals "50-59"
!m scraper add amazondeals "60-69"
!m scraper add amazondeals "70-79"
!m scraper add amazondeals "80-89"
!m scraper add amazondeals "90-99"

You do not need to add all of the discount ranges if you do not wish to.

And for the final step we will be using the forwarding command to forward specific discount ranges to their respective channels.

You can forward multiple discount ranges to the same channel.

In this example we have a channel for 0-50% so we don't need to forward those ranges to that channel as they will be going in there by default as we have used that for the access channel. So I start forwarding from "50-59" onwards.

!m forward add amazondeals scraper "50-59" #amazon-50-79
!m forward add amazondeals scraper "60-69" #amazon-50-79

First we forward the "50-59" and "60-69" discount ranges to the #amazon-50-70 channel.

And lastly we will forward the "70-79", "80-89" and "90-99" discount ranges to the #amazon-70-100 channel.

!m forward add amazondeals scraper "70-79" #amazon-70-100
!m forward add amazondeals scraper "80-89" #amazon-70-100
!m forward add amazondeals scraper "90-99" #amazon-70-100

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